Breathe: Soulful Prompts for Dreaming
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here. Forgive me. It’s been challenging adjusting to my new normal, grieving and pulling deep into my patience reserves to homeschool 😣.
I hope you are well and keeping safe.
I realized that I need a mental reset so that I can start thinking through best ways to start creating and sharing work with you. I decided to do a week of reflection this week, Monday to Friday & created prompts as form of structure around that. Thought I would share with you all as well.
You can use the prompts however you wish - for journalling, meditation, prayers, IG captions, blog posts or photo prompts. No need to share publicly.
You can do the entire week or only one day or two. Whatever feels right for you.
I’ll be sharing parts of my responses to the prompts all next week on my Instagram (@Traci.Elaine) if you want to follow along.
If you use the prompts, I hope you get a bit of clarity in the midst of uncertainty. 😘
Please feel free to call, message me if you need a sounding board or just someone to talk with.
Prompts for journaling | Prompts for blog posts | Prompts for Instagram and Facebook Captions | Prompts for Photos | Questions for Meditation