City Glam: A Philadelphia Photo Story

We again collaborated with Abena ( you can see previous feature on her here)  and created content for her on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in a striking red dress. 


Summer Portraits


when you take a photograph of someone, you take a portrait of their soul” 
― Winna Efendi

Over the summer I did a number of portrait shoots which were inspiring to work with some old friends and some new faces as well. Below are a select few.

Calm Confidence: Abena

This is a part of my portrait series showcasing women who are leading with calm confidence. Women who take daily steps of faith to intentionally experience life on their terms. Women who quietly inspire. 


Abena Bempah walked into the beer garden where we met for drinks and the entire place turned and looked at her. Her confidence and smile draws people in and leave you wanting more. She is on a journey to 'discover beauty within and without' and has …

Abena Bempah walked into the beer garden where we met for drinks and the entire place turned and looked at her. Her confidence and smile draws people in and leave you wanting more. She is on a journey to 'discover beauty within and without' and has been inspiring others to travel and redefine beauty.

In the past few years, Abena has intentionally crafted her life around travel. She has been to beautiful intriguing places around the world such as Aruba, Turkey, UAE, Thailand, Holland, Croatia, Morocco, Italy and Columbia; the majority of her trips were solo.  On her recent trip to Turkey, her mother tried to persuade her not to go due to security concerns, offering to reimburse the cost of the ticket. Abena declined and had the trip of a lifetime. 

"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. Its lethal" - Paulo Coelho

Abena is a budget traveler, determining her next destination based on the cost of the flight and will fly out of Newark/NY if needs be. 

Her Instagram has the most beautiful iPhone selfies incorporating the essence of the locations. It is worth stalking and it is also a reminder that you don't need a big camera to take compelling photos. 

Below are some of the gorgeous photos of Abena I captured when we met. 

Calm Confidence: GG Renee Hill

I have started a portrait series showcasing women who are leading with calm confidence. Women who take daily steps of faith to intentionally experience life on their terms. Women who quietly inspire. 


First up is GG Renee Hill

GG has been inspiring me for several  years with her words and vulnerability on her blog, All The Many Layers. She encourages her readers to follow her lead by digging deep, peeling back the many layers of their lives and be honest. 

"If you know me, I may have looked you in your face and lied to you at some point or another... Most people didn't want my truth.  They only wanted to hear things that made them feel comfortable.  I saw telling the truth lead to disapproval, punishment, sadness, anger.   So I lied to keep the peace.  I lied to protect people's feelings. I lied to make myself seem bigger or to make myself seem smaller.  Whatever the situation called for.   Most of all, I lied to guard my secrets and insecurities." - GG Renee

Vulnerable and raw.

In 2013 she took a big leap of faith, resigned her "safe" finance job and became a full time writer. Now she creates books, writing courses and experiences fostering self discovery and expression. One of her mottos is that 'self-discovery and creativity go hand in hand. Explore yourself.  Express what you find.' 

She loves what she does and if you connect with her, she will have you reaching into the deep recesses of your heart and sharing things that you have never spoken. 

"Its not that you don't have any ideas, its that you think they aren't good enough. Don't stifle yourself. Try things, Learn. Keep going." - GG Renee

For a big dose of authenticity and inspiration, visit GG on Instagram, Twitter and on her website.