We again collaborated with Abena ( you can see previous feature on her here) and created content for her on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in a striking red dress.
We again collaborated with Abena ( you can see previous feature on her here) and created content for her on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in a striking red dress.
"The Briefest Moment shared with you
The longest on my mind"
- Lang Leav
When you meet others that share your love for adventure and are willing to kick off their high heels, roll up their pants and just let loose, you know you are home.
My session with Colin & Elise was filled with love: Long glances, reading each others minds, laughing uncontrollably and lots of touching and kissing.
It was such a delight to spend an afternoon with them, exploring parts of the Wissahickon trails and documenting their love.
Last week I featured Abena Bempah as a part of my Calm Confidence Series and if you took a look at her Instagram page, you would have fallen in love with her glamorous [ iPhone) photographs of her travels.
Abena has taken 4 solo trips this year so far and has 2 more trips planned for 2017: a family trip to Puerto Rico and a 6-week internship in Ghana. She was the perfect person to ask to share some travel and photography tips.
Invest in a lightweight tripod. Pictures taken with a tripod give you flexibility with perspective. If you can't part with your selfie stick, get one that has a tripod attachment.
Prepare before hand. Look up the sites you will visit on Instagram, TripAdvisor, or Google. Fortunately, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Other images can help you scout out the best place/way to capture the beauty of a place. Also consider what you will wear. It may seem silly, but a nice outfit can add to the composition of the image. The inverse is also true.
Figure out how to work your camera’s timer or download an app to help you with this. PicItEasy or Photo Timer works for me.
Take as many pictures as you want! The more the merrier is my philosophy.
But remember to be present. Sometimes capturing the moment causes you to actually miss it. Don't get too caught up in taking pictures that you don't enjoy your trip!
If you're new to traveling solo, start with places that are relatively welcoming of female solo travelers. That is almost any place in the world, but do your research.
Consider staying in an Air Bnb or Hostel. This is a great way to meet people. If hotels are your preferred accommodation, spend time in the public areas like the lobby or restaurant.
Say hi! Honestly, striking up a conversation with a stranger is so much easier when you're abroad and it can lead to unexpected adventures. I have gone to the best museums, restaurants, and excursions with other travelers or at their recommendation.
Social media can help you make friends abroad. When I went to Colombia I joined a couple of expat and traveler groups on IG/FB and posted my approximate travel itinerary. By the time my trip came, I had plans with people who would be in the city at the same time with me to eat and go island hopping.
Take some personal time to reflect/meditate/pray/relax. Life can be so busy especially if you are in your typical routine. Travel in general is a hiatus from the norm so take advantage of this. Therefore, take some time to be still while traveling solo and you’ll learn something about yourself in the process of learning about a new city/country.
I asked Abena what was her current motto for action in the face of fear as we all tend to let the fear paralyze us and I am always interested in hearing how others garner courage. Her response below what just what I need to hear as I have been struggling with fear in one particular area of my life. I hope it blesses you as well.
" I don't always consider myself as fearless. Traveling solo seems feasible —like failure is not an option— so it doesn't scare or worry me. However, one of my current challenges is believing that I can live location independent. With a mortgage, a pup, and other financial responsibilities my dream is to live anywhere in the world, whenever I want to. When I think of all the obstacles standing in my way and become anxious about the future, I remember my thoughts become things. Therefore, I intentionally think of a few things that I am grateful for in my life currently; which elevates my mood. Then I remember what I have prayed for and acknowledge that it isn't my responsibility to figure out the path but to take one step towards the destination. One way to take a step of faith is by speaking about my future as if it were my reality. I tell people I am moving to Turkey at the end of the year. I also practice visualization. I imagine myself walking the streets of Istanbul, opening the door to my apartment, and making new Turkish or expat friends. I also do practical things like job searches. However, over coming the fear of the unknown first begins with how I think." [Emphasis is mine].
Thank you Abena. Please go and follow her on Instagram.
This is a part of my portrait series showcasing women who are leading with calm confidence. Women who take daily steps of faith to intentionally experience life on their terms. Women who quietly inspire.
Abena Bempah walked into the beer garden where we met for drinks and the entire place turned and looked at her. Her confidence and smile draws people in and leave you wanting more. She is on a journey to 'discover beauty within and without' and has been inspiring others to travel and redefine beauty.
In the past few years, Abena has intentionally crafted her life around travel. She has been to beautiful intriguing places around the world such as Aruba, Turkey, UAE, Thailand, Holland, Croatia, Morocco, Italy and Columbia; the majority of her trips were solo. On her recent trip to Turkey, her mother tried to persuade her not to go due to security concerns, offering to reimburse the cost of the ticket. Abena declined and had the trip of a lifetime.
"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. Its lethal" - Paulo Coelho
Abena is a budget traveler, determining her next destination based on the cost of the flight and will fly out of Newark/NY if needs be.
Her Instagram has the most beautiful iPhone selfies incorporating the essence of the locations. It is worth stalking and it is also a reminder that you don't need a big camera to take compelling photos.
Below are some of the gorgeous photos of Abena I captured when we met.
I have started a portrait series showcasing women who are leading with calm confidence. Women who take daily steps of faith to intentionally experience life on their terms. Women who quietly inspire.
First up is GG Renee Hill
GG has been inspiring me for several years with her words and vulnerability on her blog, All The Many Layers. She encourages her readers to follow her lead by digging deep, peeling back the many layers of their lives and be honest.
"If you know me, I may have looked you in your face and lied to you at some point or another... Most people didn't want my truth. They only wanted to hear things that made them feel comfortable. I saw telling the truth lead to disapproval, punishment, sadness, anger. So I lied to keep the peace. I lied to protect people's feelings. I lied to make myself seem bigger or to make myself seem smaller. Whatever the situation called for. Most of all, I lied to guard my secrets and insecurities." - GG Renee
Vulnerable and raw.
In 2013 she took a big leap of faith, resigned her "safe" finance job and became a full time writer. Now she creates books, writing courses and experiences fostering self discovery and expression. One of her mottos is that 'self-discovery and creativity go hand in hand. Explore yourself. Express what you find.'
She loves what she does and if you connect with her, she will have you reaching into the deep recesses of your heart and sharing things that you have never spoken.
"Its not that you don't have any ideas, its that you think they aren't good enough. Don't stifle yourself. Try things, Learn. Keep going." - GG Renee
For a big dose of authenticity and inspiration, visit GG on Instagram, Twitter and on her website.